新关注 > 信息聚合 > 解密血统之谜: 不存在纯正血统 你其实是混血

解密血统之谜: 不存在纯正血统 你其实是混血

Decryption of the mystery: there is no pure blood you are in fact a hybrid

2016-07-13 15:03:48来源: 大河网

视频截图 新闻背景 最近,一个有关遗传祖源分析的视频在各大网站引起广泛关注和报道,也刷爆很多人的朋友圈。视频讲述的是一家注册于丹麦的公司邀请来自世界各地的67名受试者,询问他们的国籍、对各自国...

Video screenshot news background recently, a source of genetic analysis of the major sites in the video caused widespread concern and coverage, but also brush a lot of people's circle of friends. The video is about a company registered in Denmark to invite 67 people from around the world to ask their nationality, to their respective countries...