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东北经济前三季回暖迹象明显 GDP提速成大概率事件

First three seasons of northeast economy rebound significantly accelerated the GDP into a big probability event

2016-10-31 22:51:17来源: 中国网

资料图 中国网财经10月31日讯 (记者 王斌) 经过多轮振兴措施持续发力之后,东北三省经济增速在2016年三季度呈现回暖迹象。公开资料显示,吉林省前三季度GDP同比增长6.9%,比上半年提高0.2个百分点;辽宁省工业用电量连续2年负增长后, 在今年8月、9月也开始企稳回升;而作为资...

On October 31, chart China finance and economics news (reporter From) after several rounds of revitalization of the measures for power, the northeast three provinces present signs of growth in the third quarter of 2016. Public information, the jilin province in the first three quarters year-on-year GDP growth of 6.9%, than the first half of the year increased by 0.2%; Industry in liaoning province electricity consumption of negative growth for 2 years later, in August, September is stabilizing and picking up; And as the endowment...