新关注 > 信息聚合 > CSC2016:快速了解冠心病的 PCI 治疗现况及问题

CSC2016:快速了解冠心病的 PCI 治疗现况及问题

CSC2016: quickly understand the current state of the PCI treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) and problems

2016-09-11 23:21:16来源: 丁香园

我国目前在冠心病的治疗方面主要采取介入治疗手段,即 PCI 技术。在中华医学会第十八次全国心血管大会上,对于 PCI 技术在冠心病领域治疗现况和展现出来的问题,北京大学第一医院霍勇教授对此进行了详细...

In the treatment of coronary heart disease in our country at present the main interventional therapy approach, namely the PCI technology. In the Chinese medical association 18th national cardiovascular meeting, PCI technology in the field of coronary heart disease (CHD) in the treatment of status and present problems, the first hospital of Peking University professor blood carried out detailed...

标签: PC