新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚泰洋帅需抢分改变处境 马季奇提醒加强定位球防..

亚泰洋帅需抢分改变处境 马季奇提醒加强定位球防..

Yatai Yang Shuai must grab points to change the situation of Mati remind strengthen anti placement.

2016-04-10 00:11:39来源: 新浪

亚泰主帅斯托亚诺维奇 新浪体育讯 升班马河北华夏成色几何?与长春亚泰的较量或许给出一个答案。4月10日15时30分,长春亚泰将迎来本赛季的第二个主场,击败河北华夏、扭转颓势已是主帅斯托亚诺维奇的...

Yatai coach Stoyanovich sina sports promoted Hebei Huaxia color? With the Changchun Yatai contest may give an answer. April 10, 15 when 30 minutes, Changchun Yatai will usher in the season's second home, beat Hebei Huaxia, reverse the decline is coach Stojanovic Norwich...