新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港股创业板“啤壳”惹关注 监管或提高上市门槛

港股创业板“啤壳”惹关注 监管或提高上市门槛

Hong Kong gem "shell" beer get attention regulation or improve listed threshold

2016-05-30 08:07:08来源: 新浪

新浪港股讯 5月30日消息,据香港经济日报报道,创业板新股股价剧烈波动以及“啤壳”现象惹争议,港交所(00388)上市主管戴林瀚(David Graham)接受访问时指出,港交所与证监会高度关注股价...

Sina Hong Kong - news, on May 30, according to a report in the Hong Kong economic journal, gem of new stock price volatility and shell "bei" phenomenon is controversial, hkex head (00388) listed Dai Lin he (David Graham) in an interview, points out that the exchange and the securities and high attention by shares...