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践行金融精准扶贫 基金公司打造公益新模式

Practice of financial precision poverty alleviation fund companies build a new pattern of public

2016-11-08 02:57:32来源: 中国日报网

10月17日是"国家扶贫日",在此期间,全国各地金融系统频频发力,在精准扶贫项目上出实招、下实功、见实效。 由广发证券联合广发基金、广发信德共同出资设立的广发证券社会公益基金会近日组织发起了"青春...

On October 17, is the "National Day" for poverty alleviation, during this period, all parts of the country's financial system, frequently the unreal on accurate poverty alleviation projects, under compaction work, see the effect. Gf fund, jointly by wide hair negotiable securities gf sind joint venture set up by the social foundation of wide hair negotiable securities organization recently launched a "youth...