新关注 > 信息聚合 > 时隔4年半 正定老火车站重卖火车票(图)

时隔4年半 正定老火车站重卖火车票(图)

After a lapse of 4 years semi definite old train station sell train tickets (Figure)

2015-07-02 12:14:40来源: 河北新闻网

动车驶入正定车站。记者郄磊 摄 ■20多名“火车迷”专程坐动车尝鲜 ■提醒:每天只有4个时间段售票 时隔4年半之后,正定火车站昨天重新恢复客运业务,正定周边的老百姓又能在家门口坐火车了。...

train into Zhengding station. Reporter Qie Lei photo - more than 20 train fans traveled by train early adopters; remind: only every time ticket after a lapse of four and a half years after, Zhengding railway station yesterday resumed passenger service, positive definite surrounding people and sit at home in front of the train. ...