新关注 > 信息聚合 > 荣耀V8发布会邀请函曝光 或将延续华为P9双摄奇迹?

荣耀V8发布会邀请函曝光 或将延续华为P9双摄奇迹?

Glory V8 conference invitation exposure or the continuation of the HUAWEI P9 double photo miracle?

2016-05-04 04:21:10来源: 中关村在线

【TechWeb报道】荣耀刚刚发布了2016年的首款新机畅玩5C,马不停蹄,下周,荣耀官方即将带来今年的又一款旗舰级新机荣耀V8。目前,荣耀V8的邀请函也相继被媒体曝光,从邀请函来看,荣耀V8极有可能继华为P9之后再度加持双摄像头。 邀请函最为惹眼的莫过于相连的两个同心圆,而这种造型像...

[techweb reported glory just released in 2016 the first new machine smooth 5C, nonstop, next week, the glory of the official will bring this year and a flagship new glory V8. At present, the invitations to the glory of the V8 also have been exposed by the media, invitation letter from the point of view, the glory of the V8 very possible after Huawei P9 again blessing dual camera. The invitation of two concentric is connected to the striking circle, and the other like...