新关注 > 信息聚合 > 午间行业利好:2大行业现利好


Noon good industry: 2 industry is now good

2015-07-22 13:35:46来源: 和讯网

味精价格今年以来持续上涨 数据显示,阜丰大包装味精报价本周上调200元/吨,流通市场小晶参考价9200元/吨,同比去年涨幅21%。 工信部:继续做好民资引入转售业务和宽带接入业务 国务院新...

prices since the beginning of this year continued to rise data show that Fufeng large packaging monosodium glutamate offer this week raised 200 yuan / ton, circulation market of small crystal reference price 9200 yuan / ton, compared to the same period last year rose 21%. MIIT: continue to do the introduction of public funding for resale business and broadband access business council...