新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恺英网络500万美元收购资产 发展虚拟现实业务

恺英网络500万美元收购资产 发展虚拟现实业务

Kai ying network virtual reality development business $5 million acquisition of assets

2016-04-02 00:52:45来源: 新浪

中证网讯 恺英网络(002517)4月1日晚间公告表示,公司全资子公司 Kingnet HK 为更好的拓展公司业务,加强公司在虚拟现实领域的发展布局,提高公司的核心竞争力,拟以投资总金额5,000,001.66美元的价格投资美国公司 Sphericam Inc. ,并获得其25%的股权。...

Has webex kai ying network on April 1, (002517) late announcement, said the company is a wholly owned subsidiary Kingnet HK for better developing the company's business, strengthen the company in the field of virtual reality development layout, improve the company's core competitiveness, plan to invest $5000001.66 total amount of investment in the United States company Sphericam Inc., with its 25% stake. ...