新关注 > 信息聚合 > 她用文字表达了美术之美 这就是《美美与共》

她用文字表达了美术之美 这就是《美美与共》

She expressed in words the beauty of art This is the "meimei together"

2016-12-16 18:49:03来源: 人民网

“各美其美,美人之美;美美与共,天下大同。”这是费孝通先生的名言。 而《美美与共》,如今成了叶文玲新书的题目。74岁的叶文玲,曾任浙江省作协主席,她的作品曾被选入小学语文课本,本报“文脉”系列曾...

"The beauty of its beauty, the beauty of beauties and meimei together, unity." Such is the remark of fei xiaotong. And "meimei together", is now wen-ling ye book title. 74 - year - old wen-ling ye, a former zhejiang province writers association President, her work has been elected to the primary school Chinese textbook, this newspaper "context" series has...