新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《热血传奇》同名主题曲MV即将发布 精彩内容抢先..

《热血传奇》同名主题曲MV即将发布 精彩内容抢先..

"Mir" theme song of the same name MV upcoming exciting content preemptive..

2015-09-21 12:12:31来源: 多玩游戏

2D PK旗舰网游《热血传奇》将在9月28日迎来15周年的狂欢盛典!经过数月惊心制作的《热血传奇》同名主题曲现已精彩亮相!希望能借由这首歌,唱出传奇十五年兄弟情;让那些日夜奋战的青春再次浮现在我们的...

2D flagship PK online game "hot blooded legend" will be in September 28, usher in the 15th anniversary celebration of Carnival! After months of startling production "Mir" theme song of the same name has wonderful debut! I hope that by this song, sing the legendary fifteen years of brotherhood; let those who work day and night to fight the youth again, in our...

标签: 热血传奇