新关注 > 信息聚合 > 灵寿县体检车走40万里行程 查3万群众体征

灵寿县体检车走40万里行程 查3万群众体征

Lingshou medical car 40 miles distance 30000 public signs

2016-05-24 00:13:57来源: 长城网

健康体检现场。雷江 摄 长城网石家庄5月23日讯(雷江 马世杰 记者 解哲琳)伴着鸡鸣,一辆健康体检车停到了灵寿县某村卫生室门前,事先约好的老年人围了上来进行健康体检和健康咨询,并有医生进行现场...

The scene of the physical examination. LeiJiang was taken to the Great Wall network - shijiazhuang May 23 (LeiJiang Ma Shijie reporter XieZheLin) with the chicken calls, a health check-up lingshou a village clinic in front of the car to, in advance about good old people mobbed the health physical examination and health consultation, and a doctor on-site...