新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天津滨海新区加速打造京津冀协同发展引擎


Tianjin binhai new area to accelerate building the coordinated development of beijing-tianjin-hebei engine

2016-12-25 02:59:26来源: 中国新闻网

中新社天津12月24日电 (记者 刘家宇)天津市滨海新区区长张勇24日在天津表示,天津滨海新区将发挥区位、基础优势和功能区主战场作用,全面拓宽合作领域,打造京津冀协同发展的重要引擎。 当日,天津...

China news agency tianjin December 24 (xinhua Jia-yu liu) of tianjin binhai new area in tianjin district zhang yong 24, said the tianjin binhai new area will play a role of location, infrastructure and functional areas the main advantage, comprehensive broaden areas of cooperation, make the coordinated development of beijing-tianjin-hebei important engine. On the same day, tianjin...