新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玄彬新剧将首播 穿花裤子做瑜伽造型抢眼

玄彬新剧将首播 穿花裤子做瑜伽造型抢眼

Hyun Bin drama will premiere to wear flowers pants do yoga

2015-01-21 16:27:39来源: 人民网

国际在线专稿:据韩国《亚洲经济》报道,韩国SBS电视台电视剧《海德,哲基尔与我》制作方公开了主演玄彬的反转剧照,吸引了人们的视线。 公开的照片中,玄彬穿着花裤子在做瑜伽,出人意料的造型令人忍俊不禁。闭着眼仿佛在冥想着什么的样子又让大家对剧情充满了好奇。 电视剧《海德,哲基尔与我》...

international online Zhuangao: according to South Korea, "Asian economic" reports, South Korea SBS TV drama "Head, Jekyll and I" production discloses reverse stills starring Hyun Bin, attracted the line of vision of people. Open the photo, Hyun Bin is wearing a flower pants doing yoga, beyond all expectations shape a simmer with laughter. Eyes closed as if meditating on what looks so that everyone on the plot is full of curiosity. TV drama "Head, Jekyll and I"...