新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀史上最狠大招公布!小学生哭了


King glory history's most malicious recruit released! Elementary school students cried

2017-07-19 01:05:26来源: 中关村在线

作为中国第一大手游,《王者荣耀》的成功有目共睹,但低龄化玩家比例较高也是不争的事实。本月初,腾讯上线了《王者荣耀》防沉迷系统,规定12周岁以下未成年用户,每日限玩1小时。 虽然系统上线不久后就遭到“破解”,但也代表了腾讯的规范低龄玩家游戏的态度。如今,更严的来了。 7月18日,腾讯宣...

As China's first big hands, "the glory of the king" the success of the visible, but higher percentage lower players is also the fact that does not dispute. Earlier this month, tencent launched "the king of glory anti-addiction system, the user is a minor under age 12, the daily limit of play for 1 hour. Although system online shortly after being "crack", but also represents the specification of tencent's young player of the game. Today, more strict. On July 18, tencent's mission...

标签: 王者荣耀