新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中央街区b区今秋或开


Central District B District fall or

2015-06-18 21:06:05来源: 大河网

本报讯(记者聂梦婷)截至目前,由克拉玛依汉博文化投资有限公司打造的中央文化时尚街区b区招商工作已完成30%,预计今年秋冬,b区将正式开街。 6月16日,克拉玛依汉博文化投资有限公司总经理吴峰接受...

report from our correspondent (reporter Nie Mengting) up to now, by Karamay Humber culture Investment Co., Ltd. to build the Central Cultural Fashion District B District investment has been completed 30%, is expected to fall and winter of this year, B District will officially open street. In June 16th, the general manager of Karamay Hambo Cultural Investment Co. Ltd. Wu Feng accepted...