新关注 > 信息聚合 > 安利之夜2017新年 慈善音乐会昨晚上演

安利之夜2017新年 慈善音乐会昨晚上演

Amway night 2017 charity concert last night in the New Year

2017-01-03 11:02:33来源: 杭州网

“我像不像小小音乐家?”剧场门口设立的乐器展示区,引来小朋友们纷纷摆POSE合影。 每年元旦,安利都会送上一场新年慈善音乐会。昨晚,由浙江省青少年发展基金会主办、安利(中国)日用品有限公司协办的“...

"I don't like like little musician?" Theater set up at the gate of instrument display attracted to POSE to POSE for children. Every year New Year's day, amway will send you a charity concert in the New Year. Last night, by the zhejiang provincial youth development foundation, amway (China) daily necessities co., LTD., co-organized "...