新关注 > 信息聚合 > FF研发总部召开全球供应商峰会 贾跃亭加速交付计划

FF研发总部召开全球供应商峰会 贾跃亭加速交付计划

Research and development of FF based global supplier summit Jia Yueting accelerated delivery plan

2018-02-14 13:48:19来源: TechWeb

2月14日消息,今日在FF总部举办了第一次全球供应商峰会,召开本次会议的主要意图有二,其一是让供应商重塑对FF 91量产计划和资金方面的信心。更为重要的是,与这些供应商的关系,直接影响着FF 91的年底交付计划。今日FF全球制造高级副总裁Dag Reckhorn对此的回答是:“该项目正在...

On February 14, today's global supplier for the first time in FF headquarters held a summit, the meeting of the two main intentions, one is let suppliers to reshape the FF 91 production plan and the confidence of the capital. More importantly, relationship with these suppliers, directly affects the FF delivery plan by the end of 91. FF global manufacturing today, senior vice President of Dag Reckhorn answer is: "the project is...