新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房地产市场反洗钱围剿两类“黑钱”


The real estate market anti-money laundering siege two types of "black money"

2017-04-26 08:54:10来源: 法制网

这是业内人士对于近期北京楼市最新调控的评价。这个功能属性听起来有点生疏——洗钱。 中国人民银行营管部和北京市住建委于上周联合下发通知,要求开发商和中介履行反洗钱义务。按照新规,开发商在售房、中介...

This is the personage inside course of study for the recent Beijing property market evaluation of the latest regulation. This function attribute sounds a little rusty - money laundering. Camp management department of the people's bank of China and Beijing municipal commission last week jointly issued notice, ask to develop business and intermediary anti-money laundering obligations. According to the new rules, developers in the, in the housing intermediary...