新关注 > 信息聚合 > Win10创意更新要来了 4月11日正式发布

Win10创意更新要来了 4月11日正式发布

Win10 innovation is officially released in April 11th

2017-04-02 20:17:12来源: 中关村在线

目前Windows Build 15063已经确认是Win10创意者更新的RTM版本,而且镜像已经正式发布了。该版本已经被微软正式命名为Creators Update而不是Insider Preview版本。用户可在4月5号通过更新助手进行手动安装,当然也可以等到4月11日的微软推送。 ...

At present, Windows Build 15063 has been confirmed as the RTM version of the Win10 creator, and the image has been officially released. This version has been officially named Creators Update instead of the Insider Preview version by Microsoft. The user can manually install it in April 5th through an update assistant, and of course, it can also wait for the Microsoft push in April 11th. ...