新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄金、非美货币继续反弹 大宗商品市场大分化

黄金、非美货币继续反弹 大宗商品市场大分化

Gold, non-us currencies continue to rebound The commodity market differentiation

2017-03-21 16:27:28来源: 中国网

广州日报讯 (全媒体记者井楠)本周一亚洲市场开市,美元指数继续明显下行,低至100.02的5周新低,100关口岌岌可危。非美货币多数反弹,其中的欧元兑美元反弹至1.07623,再次刷新1个月高点,美...

Guangzhou daily news (reporters Wells for nan), Asian markets opened on Monday, the dollar index continued downward, as low as 100.02 5 week low, 100 mark in jeopardy. Most non-us currency rebound, rebound in the euro against the dollar to 1.07623, refresh again 1 month highs, beauty...