新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暗黑血统3》正式公布!骁勇女怒神猎杀七宗罪


"Dark blood 3" is officially announced! Brave female anger God kill seven sins

2017-05-04 01:57:29来源: 新浪

THQ Nordic和Gunfire Games今天通过IGN公开了《暗黑血统3》的正式预告片,先睹为快。 《暗黑血统3》正式预告: 据介绍,《暗黑血统3》将是一款开放世界的动作冒险游戏,游戏中会包含探索、解谜等诸多要素。系列擅长的砍杀动作也迎来了新的主角Fury,女怒神。 ...

THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games discloses "Official Trailer 3" Darksiders today by IGN, preview. "Diablo 3" lineage formal notice: according to reports, "Darksiders 3" will be an open world action adventure game, will contain many other factors, explore the puzzle game. A series of good slashing action also ushered in a new female protagonist Fury, the wrath of god. ...