新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英特尔众创空间加速器升级为英特尔创新加速器


Intel the accelerator to upgrade the space for Intel to innovation

2017-03-17 05:02:56来源: 搜狐

智东西(公众号:zhidxcom) 文| 国仁 智东西3月16日上海报道,今天,英特尔公司正式宣布将旗下“英特尔众创空间加速器”全新升级为“英特尔创新加速器”,在定位和功能性上都会进行新的提升...

Think things (public number: zhidxcom) countries benevolence, think things on March 16, Shanghai reported today, Intel corporation formally announced its "Intel the space accelerator" brand new upgraded to "Intel innovation accelerator", will be a new promotion in the positioning and functional...