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快递巨头UPS公司建培训机构 用VR头盔训练驾驶员

Courier giant UPS company built training institutions With VR headsets training pilots

2017-08-16 10:13:49来源: 网易汽车

网易汽车8月16日报道近日,全球最大的快递公司UPS对外表示,从9月开始,在全美提供九个UPS Integrad培训机构,用VR头盔来培训实习司机。“VR给驾车安全训练领域带来了一次巨大的技术飞跃,...

Netease car on August 16 reported recently, the world's largest express company UPS, said foreign from September, provide nine UPS Integrad training institutions in the United States, to training student driver with VR headsets. "VR to driving safety training field has brought a huge technological leap,...

标签: PS VR