新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专家:房地产投资拐点或延后 投资大幅下滑概率小

专家:房地产投资拐点或延后 投资大幅下滑概率小

Expert: the decline of the real estate investment inflection point or delay the probability is small

2017-02-20 14:52:11来源: 中国网

多位专家19日 在北京大学国家发展研究院举办的“CMRC中国经济观察(CEO)”第48次季度报告会上表示,今年上半年我国投资、出口和消费料呈现温和复苏状态,但全 年经济复苏的充分条件仍有待夯实。房地产方面,由于今年实际利率水平抬升更缓慢以及基数高点位置不同等因素,预计今年房地产投资拐点可...

19 experts at the national development research institute of Beijing university of "CMRC China economic observer (CEO)" 48 quarterly report, said in the first half of this year our country investment, export and consumption is expected to show moderate recovery state, but the whole year, and the sufficient conditions for the economic recovery remains to be established. Real estate, because real interest rates rise more slowly this year as well as base of different factors such as high position, expected this year real estate investment inflection point can be...