新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无锡一高校入选“戴姆勒铸星教育”项目


Wuxi is a university "Daimler zhuxing foundry education" project

2017-04-27 16:19:12来源: 江苏新闻网

中新网江苏新闻4月27日电 (孙权 钱燕)27日获悉,“戴姆勒铸星教育”项目2017校园宣讲会日前在无锡职业技术学院举行。 “戴姆勒铸星教育”项目是由戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司职业教育部门与中国...

Beijing, jiangsu news 27 April (sun quan Qian Yan) 27, according to "Daimler zhuxing foundry education" project 2017 held in wuxi vocational technical college campus talk. The Daimler zhuxing foundry education program is by Daimler greater China investment co., LTD. Department of vocational education with Chinese...