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中超争冠只剩上港恒大?下轮直接PK 上海滩决战

Super Champion left Hong Kong Hengda? Under rotations of the harbor on the wheelset direct PK Shanghai battle

2015-08-23 23:37:35来源: 新浪

上港下轮将碰恒大 新浪体育讯 联赛最后七场之难度最大的一个客场,上海上港在惊涛骇浪中度了过来。很显然,这也并非外界传说的什么让球,能有本事在足协杯和联赛让出这种水准,世界级别豪门都做不到。上港足...

will Peng Hengda dispatch of sina sports league the last seven games difficulty biggest a road, the port of Shanghai in moderate over the stormy sea. Obviously, this is not the outside world of what makes the ball, can have the ability to make up this level in the FA Cup and League, the world's top giants can not do. Upper harbour...