新关注 > 信息聚合 > 票据打印不可少 爱普生630K陵川1430元

票据打印不可少 爱普生630K陵川1430元

Paper print cannot little Epson 630 k LingChuan 1430 yuan

2016-07-13 20:31:20来源: 中关村在线

【山西省陵川市行情】爱普生630K 是一款用于行业办公的针打设备,其应用超动力电磁技术,超高速打印可达150汉字/秒和300字符/秒,拥有1+6联的超清晰复写能力。打印头寿命长,耐用又耐热,可满足多...

Epson LingChuan city in Shanxi Province market 】 【 630 k is an office needles and equipment for industry, its application is dynamic electromagnetic technology, high-speed printing up to 150 characters per second and 300 characters per second, with 1 + 6 al ability of ultra clear copy. The print head long life, durability and heat resistance, can meet more...