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I-ROCKS G01全方位蓝牙游戏手柄——拉拉

I-ROCKS G01 a full range of Bluetooth gamepad -- Lala

2014-06-04 23:21:40来源: 天极网

随着移动科技的日新月异,智能手机以及平板电脑等各种移动装置已经大幅度融入多数人的日常生活之中,而移动设备除了实现商务人士云端作业的需求外,更造就了广大的游戏群体。 i-Rocks本着没有最好,只...

as mobile technology change rapidly, intelligent mobile phone and tablet computer for various mobile devices has been substantially integrated into most people's daily life, but the mobile equipment in addition to the realization of business affairs personage cloud as industry demand, created a vast game group. I-Rocks the spirit of "no best, only...

标签: 游戏