新关注 > 信息聚合 > 历年江苏公务员考试行测真题特点及趋势分析


Jiangsu line measuring the civil service exam calendar year characteristics and trend analysis

2017-01-06 18:51:06来源: 中公教育网

2017江苏公务员考试公告已经发布,考生们进入了紧张的备考状态,中公教育专家在此总结近几年江苏省考考情,希望位考生备考提供一臂之力。 一、2013~2016年江苏行测真题考情简析

2017 jiangsu civil service exam announcement has been released, students entered the tension state of the reference appendix, public education experts in the summary test situation in jiangsu province in recent years, hope candidates prepare for offer a helping hand. A, in jiangsu province from 2013 to 2016 line measuring bo test analysis