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指尖炫舞 《TOUCH》 安卓版今日开测

TOUCH dazzle dance "fingertips" Android version today open test

2013-09-24 05:38:50来源: 天极网

由完美世界推出的3D舞蹈网游《TOUCH》页游版今日火爆公测,安卓版同时开启测试。《TOUCH》采用Unity3D引擎制作,延续了完美世界一贯的高品质画质,集音乐、舞蹈、按键为一体,律动十足。让你指尖轻触屏幕,就能“TOUCH”到动感的音乐舞蹈世界。 绚丽舞台 秀出明星风采 《T...

launched by perfect world 3D dance online games "TOUCH" Webpage Game version today hot Gongce, Android version and open test. "TOUCH" using the Unity3D engine production, the continuation of the perfect world of high quality consistently, set to music, dance, key as one, full of rhythm. Let your fingertips touch screen, you can "TOUCH" to the dynamic music dance world. Brilliant stage show the stars "T...

标签: 安卓