新关注 > 信息聚合 > 懵了!泸州男子只因做了这件事 驾考成绩被作废

懵了!泸州男子只因做了这件事 驾考成绩被作废

Meng! Luzhou man because they did it before the test result is invalid

2017-01-24 16:41:07来源: 四川新闻网

懵了! 2014年10月8日报名,并在随后的年底和2015年分别通过科目一和科目二,本想争取在2016年春节期间拿下科三,却发现报名信息已被注销。 懂了! 根据相关规定,已取得了一项驾驶证者(如考取了摩托车驾驶证),若要增驾,只能于一年后才能参加其他类型的驾驶执照考试(例如小...

Meng! Daily on 8 October 2014, and 2015, respectively, by the end of the subsequent by subject and subject, hoping to win during the Spring Festival in 2016, winning three, only to find the registration information has been cancelled. Got it! According to relevant regulations, who has obtained a driver's license (e.g., earning the motorcycle driver's license), to increase driving, only after a year can take part in other types of driving test (such as small...