新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴彦淖尔市不断提升旅游核心竞争力


Bayannur City rising this year tourism core competence

2015-05-25 20:51:50来源: 内蒙古新闻网

今年,我市将加快重点旅游景区建设,不断提升旅游核心竞争力,加快我市旅游业的发展。 加快旅游项目建设,增强旅游可持续竞争力。按照自治区提出的用3年时间打造14个5A级品牌旅游景区要求,我市将把河套...

, our city will accelerate key tourist scenic area construction, continue to enhance the core competitiveness of tourism, to accelerate the development of tourism in our city. Accelerate the construction of tourism projects and enhance the sustainable competitiveness of tourism. According to the autonomous region with 3 years to build 14 5A level scenic spot brand requirements, I will put in...