新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州白云机场启动“国际流程改造”提升运营能力


Guangzhou Baiyun Airport start "of the international process of reform to enhance the operational capacity

2015-07-24 20:36:44来源: 中国新闻网

中新社广州7月24日电 (郭军 李祖文)记者24日从广州白云国际机场获悉,该机场目前已正式启动“国际流程改造”项目,各项改造工作随后将陆续展开。 本次改造的目的是将东二指廊功能由国内区调整为国际...

China News Network News Agency in Guangzhou on July 24, (Guo Jun Li Zuwen) reporter on the 24th learned from the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, the airport has now officially started" the process transformation project, the transformation will be launched in succession. The purpose of this transformation is to transform the east two to the corridor function by the domestic and international...