新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015上海市校园体育风云人物评选启动


2015 Shanghai campus sports personality of the year award start

2015-10-30 18:35:31来源: 新浪

活动海报 新浪体育讯 为积极传播“健康第一”的教育理念,发挥学校体育领域表现突出的师生代表的引领作用,为全市师生树立榜样,同时,吸引全社会关注学校体育、支持学校体育, 2015上海市最佳阳光体育...

activities posters of sina sports dispatch to actively spread the "health first" philosophy of education, the leading role of teachers and representatives of the outstanding performance in school sports play, for the city's teachers and students set a good example at the same time, attract the whole society to pay attention to the school sports, school sports, 2015 Shanghai best Sunshine Sports...