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城市之间赛场内外PK不断 奥利弗:我是中国真正的..

City between inside and outside the stadium PK continuous Oliver: I am in China real..

2015-10-06 09:43:40来源: 新浪

《城市之间》著名裁判奥利弗 新浪体育讯 《城市之间》又回来了,这是很多观众看过10月4日播出的2015《城市之间》国际版中法友谊特别节目后说的最多的一句话。熟悉的音乐、不变的勇攀高峰、裁判奥利弗一贯的夸张搞笑,这个由法国自1998年创建的竞技游戏节目带着它独有的法兰西元素再次来到中国...

"city famous referee Oliver of sina sports dispatch" inter cities "is back, this is many viewers have seen October 4 broadcast of the 2015" city "international version of the Sino French friendship special program said most of the sentence. Familiar with the music, the same scaled new heights, referee Oliver has always been exaggerated and funny, the by the French since 1998 to create competitive game show with its unique French elements come to China again...