新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勒夫:会在11月让部分主力球员休息


Low: in November to rest some players

2016-11-04 07:09:44来源: 华体网

体育11月3日讯 据SPORT1的报道,德国队主帅勒夫表示,他会在11月的两场比赛让部分主力球员得到休息。 在接受采访的时候,勒夫说道:“我会在11月的比赛和接下来的联合会杯中让一些其他球员得到机...

Sports on Nov. 3, according to a report by the SPORT1, Germany coach loew said that he will be in the November issue of the two games for some players a rest. Loew said in an interview: "I will be in the November issue of the game and the next confederations cup let some other players get machine...