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Rob beta activation code battles film shootout large starting

2015-07-03 17:44:00来源: 新浪

7月7日,由趣游时代运营的首款养成型枪战网游《再战》将开启技术封测,今天电影级枪战资料片首映,限量激活码也开启发放!《再战》以二战史实为背景,由无锡梵天与解放军军科院联合出品,是一款将还原二战战场,移植二战真枪的顶级枪战大作!时值二战胜利70周年,让我们马上透过资料片,向那段岁月致敬! ...

7 month 7, by fun tour era operation first develop type gun battle, the net swims "battles" will open the packaging and testing technology, today film gunfight piece of information opening, limited activation code also open issue. "Battles" to the facts of World War II as the background, CO produced by the Wuxi Brahman and the people's Liberation Army army is a will restore the battlefields of World War II, transplantation of genuine World War II top gunfight masterpiece! The 70 anniversary of the victory of World War II, let us immediately through the piece of information, to pay tribute to those years! ...

标签: 电影