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"The new version of" nine mans power six world tomorrow

2015-04-23 16:15:46来源: 新浪

蜗牛PS4国行3D武侠MOBA《九阳神功:先行版》将于4月24日迎来“六杰降世”版本更新,新版本加入教学地图“洪叶山庄”以及六位远程职业新武者,并根据先行版测试期间玩家们的反馈与建议,调整游戏数值、优化游戏操作、推出经济系统,全面改善版本平衡性,为玩家们带来全新体验的武侠MOBA! ...

on-line snail PS4 BNM 3D martial arts MOBA: the first version of "nine mans power" will usher in the "six world" version of the update in April 24th, the new version added teaching map "Hong leaf villa" and six new remote occupation Wu, and according to the feedback and suggestions are during the first test version of game player, game, game operation, numerical optimization to launch economic system, improve the version of balance, to bring a new experience for the martial arts MOBA game player who! ...