新关注 > 信息聚合 > 揭秘中国古代古墓中的那些神秘机关暗器


Secret China ancient tomb in those mysterious organization concealed weapon

2014-11-05 14:27:39来源: 和讯网

厚葬习俗在中国由来已久,历代王侯将相不惜耗费人力、财力,营建陵寝地宫。为了防止自己的墓葬被盗墓贼侵扰,古人们在墓穴中设置了各种各样的防卫机关,试图阻止盗墓者的进入。 在墓地里装上暗器机关,设下陷阱,是在暗中将找上门来的盗墓者赶尽杀绝的常见方式。当掘墓人悄然闯进地宫,他们并不知道自己要...

burial custom in China long-standing ancient military and political leaders, at the cost of manpower, financial resources, the construction of the mausoleum in Palace of the Earth. In order to prevent his burial is of grave robbers infestation, the ancient people to set various defense agencies in the grave, into trying to stop the tomb raider. Loaded weapon organ in the cemetery, set a trap, is in the common way to spare none secretly will find the door to the tomb raider. When gravedigger quietly into the Palace of the Earth, they do not know where to...