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大圣归来 网游《魔域》猴年新宠猜想

Return of the King online games "Demon" new favorite Monkey guess

2015-11-24 10:32:51来源: 新浪

随着2016年春运火车票网购进入倒计时,猴年春节的脚步声也越来越近。惯于推出应景年兽的经典魔幻网游《魔域》,每次推出的全新战宠都迅速俘获无数神选者的心。在这次辞旧迎新之际,《魔域》标志性年兽又将会以怎样的姿态出现?玩家在激情流露对猴年新宠热切期盼之余,也脑洞大开进行新宠形象大猜想。 ...

With the 2016 Spring Festival train ticket online shopping countdown, Monkey Year footsteps getting closer. Release the beast accustomed to occasional classic fantasy online game "Demon", each launched a new combat pet are quickly captured the hearts of many of God's elect. In the New Year occasion, "Demon" iconic beast and it will be in what posture? Players in the outpouring of passion I eagerly look forward to the new darling of the Monkey, the brain also be the new darling of the hole wide open image big guess. ...

标签: 网游