新关注 > 信息聚合 > 侏罗纪世界手游孵化所使用方法 恐龙孵化方法

侏罗纪世界手游孵化所使用方法 恐龙孵化方法

World of the Jurassic world tour by the method of incubation method of dinosaur incubation method

2015-07-05 17:33:48来源: 4399

侏罗纪世界手游根据同名电影改编,是一款模拟经营&策略养成手游。孵化所的使用方法是什么?快来一起看看吧。 孵化所: 每一只恐龙的诞生都必须经历一个孵化过程,游戏为玩家免费提供了一个免费孵化器,总共有四个孵化器,另外三个默认锁定的。 使用方法: 点击获得恐龙可以选择恐龙进行孵化,根据...

Jurassic world tour according to the same name of the film adaptation, is a simulation management and strategy to develop hand travel. What is the use of hatching? Come and see it together. Incubation: the birth of every dinosaur must experience a process of hatching, the game for the player provides free a free incubator, a total of four incubator, the other three default locking. Use: click on the dinosaur can choose to hatch, according to...

标签: 手游