新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华夏互娱获国家体育总局授权 承办CCPC竞技二打一顶级赛事

华夏互娱获国家体育总局授权 承办CCPC竞技二打一顶级赛事

Huaxia mutual entertainment authorized to undertake by state general administration of sports CCPC two beat a top event

2018-03-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,第二届全国竞技二打一扑克锦标赛(CCPC)正在如火如荼中展开,华夏互娱作为CCPC 竞技二打一顶级赛事承办方之一,平台游戏赛事再掀新一轮关注热潮。 全国竞技二打一扑克锦标赛(CCPC)成立于2016年,同年亦举办了国内首届全国竞技二打一扑克锦标赛,如今第二届比赛正进入漫长的海选阶段。 本次赛事由国家体育总局主办,是目前二打一领域最为权威的国家级赛事。国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心副主任陈泽兰表示,竞技二打一扑克是趣味棋牌竞技化战略的首次尝试与探索,具有里程碑式的意义。全国竞技二打一扑克锦标赛的启动,正是这一项目从民间娱乐向竞技体育发展的重要标志。 与首届腾讯、新浪等老牌电竞平台...

Recently, the second session of national athletic 2 play a poker tournament in the "(CCPC) is in full swing, huaxia mutual amusement as CCPC competitive playing one of the top event host, gaining a new platform game events focus on boom. The national competitive 2 play a poker tournament (CCPC) was founded in 2016, the same year also held the first national competitive domestic two dozen a poker tournament, is now the second game in long audition stages. The event sponsored by the state general administration of sports, is one of the two dozen field the most authoritative national events. Chess sports management center of the state sport general administration, deputy director of the Chen Zelan said that the competitive 2 play poker is fun chess strategy first attempt and exploration, has the milestone significance. National athletic 2 play a poker tournament starts, it is this project from folk entertainment to an important symbol of development of competitive sports. And the first tencent, sina e-sports platform established...

标签: PC