新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买不买?《无主之地3》「莫西的帅杰作抢夺大作战」


Buy it or not? "The battle of seizing the masterpieces of mosey" in the land of no owner 3

2019-12-19 18:32:52来源: 游戏时光

“买不买”栏目旨在导购,提供游戏简介、游戏版本信息及部分国外媒体对游戏的评价。 游戏简介《无主之地3》是最早于 2019 年 9 月 13 日发售的《无主之地》系列最新作品。对于本系列而言,大型扩展 DLC 是相当重要的一环。那么在「血腥收获节」与「猎杀!马里旺秘密设施」两份内容上线后,即将于 12 月 20 日到来的「莫西的帅杰作抢夺大作战」将是《无主之地3》首个大型扩展 DLC。本 DLC 的主要剧情为:声名狼藉的帅杰克还是亥伯龙公司一把手时曾打造了一座名为“帅杰作”的奢华太空站,但现在已经被完全废弃。这大概是银河中最浮华的场地,里面随处可见霓虹灯招牌、...

&The "buy or not to buy" column aims to guide the purchase of the game, providing the introduction of the game, the game version information and the evaluation of the game by some foreign media. &Introduction to the game "no man's land 3" is the latest work in the "no man's land" series which was first released on September 13, 2019. For this series, large scale DLC is an important part. So in the "bloody harvest festival" and "hunting! After the two contents of mariwan secret facilities are launched, the upcoming "great battle of mosey's masterpieces" on December 20 will be the first large-scale extended DLC of "no man's land 3". The main plot of this DLC is: the notorious handsome Jack built a luxury space station called "handsome masterpiece" when he was the head of Hyperion, but now it has been completely abandoned. This is probably the most flashy venue in the galaxy, where neon signs can be seen everywhere