新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《庆余年》之后,阅文男频IP的爆款指南


After the celebration of many years, read the popular guide of men's IP

2020-01-06 16:57:10来源: 天极网

屠榜各大社交平台,连平时很少追剧的小哥哥们,都开始讨论起《庆余年》了。 作为引领行业的正版数字阅读平台和文学IP培育平台,阅文集团一直在探索男频IP开发的多种可能性,《庆余年》之后,阅文还有哪些男频IP值得期待?

Tu Bang's major social platforms, even the younger brothers who rarely pursue drama, have begun to discuss "Celebrating more than a year.". As the leading industry's legitimate digital reading platform and literature IP cultivation platform, Yuewen group has been exploring various possibilities for the development of men's frequency IP. After the celebration of more than one year, what other men's IP is worth looking forward to?