新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德国汉堡:我们爱上了这里的生活方式,并成为了游戏行业的一员


Hamburg, Germany: We fell in love with the way of life here and became part of the game industry.

2019-08-22 12:12:56来源: 触乐

当人们谈论德国游戏产业时,也许不会第一时间想到汉堡,但这座德国北部城市却拥有超过200家游戏公司,是游戏行业创意和发展的温床之一。有些大型公司会将总部设在汉堡,包括Bigpoint、Daedalic、Fishlabs、InnoGames等。而从历史角度来看,F2P游戏和页游曾经是汉堡的招牌。InnoGames首席运营官Michael Zillmer向我们讲述了公司为何会搬到这里。“汉堡为成长型公司提供的机遇和资源吸引了我们。InnoGames的历史可以追溯到2003年,当时还在郊区的施塔德做游戏,只是作为一种业余爱好。”“首款作品《Tribal Wars》获...

When people talk about the German game industry, they may not think of Hamburg for the first time, but this northern German city has more than 200 game companies, which is one of the hotbeds of creativity and development of the game industry. Some large companies will be headquartered in Hamburg, including Bigpoint, Daedalic, Fishlabs, InnoGames, etc. Historically, F2P games and page games used to be Hamburg's trademarks. Michael Zillmer, chief operating officer of InnoGames, told us why the company moved here. & We are attracted by the opportunities and resources that Hamburg provides for growing companies. InnoGames can be traced back to 2003, when Stard was playing games in the suburbs as a hobby. & rdquo; & ldquo; The first work "Tribal Wars" was awarded.

标签: 游戏