新关注 > 信息聚合 > 来听听《空洞骑士 丝之歌》的两首新原声解馋吧,绝赞好听

来听听《空洞骑士 丝之歌》的两首新原声解馋吧,绝赞好听

Let's listen to the two new soundtracks of "the song of the hollow Knight's silk". It's wonderful

2019-12-13 17:15:47来源: 游戏时光

没能在最近一段时间举办的几场发布会上看到《空洞骑士 丝之歌》的身影,想必大家心里都有些遗憾吧。不过不要伤心,开发组 Team Cherry 为我们带来了本作的新动态,包括两首非常好听的音乐和三位敌人的剪影。大家先解解馋吧: 《Lace》是一首紧张刺激的 BOSS 战音乐,该 BOSS 将是大黄蜂的主要对手之一,大家听着音乐能想象到战斗时骨钉交错的声音了吗?而《Bonebottom》则是游戏初始小镇的 BGM,恬静而幽邃。地址《空洞骑士 丝之歌》将会有约 30 首曲目,目前制作组已经完成了 26 首,之后还会不断公开新曲目。Team Cherry 曾表示新作将会有超过 150 种以上的新敌人登场...

It must be a pity that we didn't see the figure of "the song of the hollow Knight silk" at several press conferences held recently. But don't be sad. Team cherry, the development team, has brought us new developments in this work, including two very nice music and three enemy silhouettes. Let's get rid of your cravings: lace is a tense and exciting boss battle music, which will be one of the main opponents of the bumblebee. Can you imagine the sound of bone nail interlacing in the battle when listening to the music? Bonebottom is the BGM of the initial town of the game, quiet and secluded. The address "the song of the hollow Knight silk" will have about 30 tracks. Currently, the production team has completed 26 pieces, and new tracks will be released continuously. Team cherry once said that more than 150 new enemies will appear in the new work