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The sonic VR? How do you say to see developers

2016-08-31 11:53:36来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 VR行业的特征就是发展迅速,行业的变幻莫测让许多厂商感到非常头疼,如果厂商对于VR趋势把握不准确,就很难在行业上立足。其实VR的特点不仅在于行业发展快,更重要的是现在关于VR,人们还有很多期盼,会不会将来有可能有《索尼克VR》呢? VR行业的特征就是发展迅速...

17173 VR news leads the characteristics of the industry is developing rapidly, the vagaries of industry for many companies to feel very headache, if producers grasp the trends in the VR is not accurate, it is difficult to based on the industry. Actually VR is not only the characteristics of industry developing fast, more important is now about VR, people still have a lot of hope, will be in the future are likely to have the sonic VR? The feature is the development of VR industry quickly...

标签: VR 索尼 索尼克