新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《燃烧的蔬菜4新鲜战队》今日更新 万圣节版魔幻..

《燃烧的蔬菜4新鲜战队》今日更新 万圣节版魔幻..

The combustion of 4 vegetables fresh corps "today updated Halloween magic version..

2015-10-23 14:52:00来源: 电玩巴士

《燃烧的蔬菜4新鲜战队》上线以来受到广大玩家的好评与喜爱,运营团队再接再厉,首次推出万圣节风格的更新版本。最新的游戏版本对部分内容进行了改动和优化调整,现玩家可以登陆安卓各大渠道下载游戏。 此次游戏主打新鲜牌,让广大的蔬菜粉丝及玩家“玩点新鲜的!”除最新加盟、可爱逗趣的蔬菜战士外,还...

the combustion of vegetables 4 fresh corps" launched by the majority of the players praise and love, operations team to make persistent efforts, first introduced an updated version of the Halloween style. The latest version of the game on the part of the contents of the change and optimization of the adjustment, the player can download the game to download the game. The game's main brand, so that the majority of fans and players to play a little bit of fresh!" In addition, the latest to join the cute funny vegetables warrior, also...